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What should I say to this girl? - Printable Version

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What should I say to this girl? - 854 - 06-08-2014 05:32 PM

So I went to this christian camp this week
(ended on saturday) and I saw this girl that
looked pretty. I found out she was 13 (1 year
younger than me) and decided I wanted to
to her (I wouldn't even mind being in the
"friend zone" with her). Unfortunately, God
didn't give me the balls to do that. So I
managed to find her on twitter and I followed
her, she followed me back (no big deal since
she follows all her followers back) so now I
have the opportunity to DM (direct message)
her. Btw I live in the south east of england
and she lives in south wales so... (Don't ask
me how I found this out it's all coincidental
and I'm also very observant). So meeting her
is not an option... Basically, I need to know
what to say to her and if I should say
anything cos I don't know if she knows who I
am and it may seem creepy to randomly talk
to her... Also I'm not very attractive, my
twitter is /DanHas2MuchSwag and she's
really cute. Also at the camp our eyes met
quite a few times but mostly because I kept
looking at her... Help me, I'm dying. Good
looking christians don't come by often is the
sad truth Sad

- Andrew - 06-08-2014 05:42 PM

keep in contact

- Lizzie - 06-08-2014 05:56 PM

Don't not talk to her, but don't come off too chummy at first. DM her something casual, maybe a little joke about how you're a bit nervous and not too good at stuff like this, and mention that you were at the same camp and thought she seemed pretty cool so she doesn't wonder why someone randomly DMed her. Don't keep asking her questions either. Be interested, but also interesting. Respond to her answers and add your own (ex. if you ask her what kind of music she likes, respond to that and mention what you listen to. Ya know?)
Mostly, though, don't come off too arrogant, and be sweet and yourself. Good luckSmile
~A girl her age